Deutsche Ausgabe
添加时间:2017年05月24日 浏览次数:


自2004年起,由澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心(CPTTM)舉辧,  澳門德國商會恊辦的商用德語課程,至2016年12月成功畢業人超過2,000多人.課程畢業証書由德國總領事簽發.2011年起, 將注重例如酒店管理, 商業操作課程 ,頗受澳門年青人歡迎,  對赴歐洲當留學,還是工作, 德語課程的學習都有較高的競爭力.  

German Commercial  Language Course 

Initiated and assisted by GMBA ,Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Centre (CPTTM) have been offering German Language Course since 2004 and more than 2,000 students have sucessfully graduated at different level . The course is popular as it  helps those youth who want to study in Germany or Europe and have advantage to find a job. Recently the German language course are more practical business oriented and the certificate was signed by Consul General of Germany HK/Macau.